Accessible tables

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A line chart showing Englands exports and imports to and from Denmark and Norway between 1700 and 1780. The trade balance shifts from against England to in favour of it in 1755, after which the exports become double the amount of the imports. The chart is the first line chart ever made and was created by William Playfair and published in his Commercial and Political Atlas in 1786.
5-yearly import and export numbers between England and Denmark and Norway
Year Import Export
1700 71 33
1705 75 41
1710 83 59
1715 87 78
1720 97 75
1725 103 71
1730 96 75
1735 94 61
1740 93 65
1745 93 74
1750 90 77
1755 80 83
1760 77 118
1765 80 152
1770 84 164
1775 90 176
1780 93 185